Hugs for Brady partners with New York-Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital to provide sedation-free MRIs

Sedation Free MRIHugs for Brady partners with New York-Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital to provide sedation-free MRIs to our youngest patients. The use of MRIs as a diagnostic and follow-up tool in children is prevalent; however, to ensure an accurate scan sedation or general anesthesia is typically used to obtain motion-free imaging. There are risks associated with the use of anesthesia and as such, this sedation-free MRI is truly an amazing development. The approach to these MRI scans is based on a patient-centered plan involving a certified child life specialist (CCLS), the patient and his or her family, and preparation sessions to ensure the best possible experience for the child undergoing the MRI. The plan that is developed with the CCLS is tailored specifically to the needs and behaviors of the child in order to optimize the potential for a sedation-free session. Initially, the patients and their families are introduced to the procedure via tours, a mock scanner, teaching videos, and dolls. In addition, “The CCLS creates therapeutic relationships and uses knowledge of the child/family to implement care strategies specific to the individual, ultimately maximizing the true potential of the child successfully completing the MRI without anesthesia,” according to Kari Mastro, PhD, RN, NEA-BC. This may involve such tactics as movie goggles, music, or simply the presence of a parent. Donate Today! The success of this program is so exciting for the future of diagnostic and treatment options. The patient-centered approach that focuses specifically on the needs of the child has resulted in overwhelmingly positive outcomes. Hugs for Brady is proud to support New York-Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital in their endeavors to ease the path of young patients in any and all ways possible. Sedation Free MRI