Roy G. Svenson, the 2020 Winter Gala Wagon Volunteer honoree, has shown extraordinary commitment and compassion in his support of the Brady Buggy Wagon campaign. Mr. Svenson has supported and distributed 18 Wagons in the Illinois area during the past 6 years. A native of the Windy City, Roy worked as a retail branch manager… [Read More]
Brady Buggy Wagons
Hugs for Brady Year End Highlights
The end of cancer as we know it is coming soon! Every dollar donated gets us closer to the day when childhood cancer will no longer take our loved ones. We would like to start of the new year by recapping all the AMAZING things that happened at the Hugs for Brady Foundation in 2015…… [Read More]
A Truckload of New Toys for the Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital
Happy Halloween! Candy rots your teeth, so instead, we donated TOYS to fill the entire Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital. Sherrie Wells was on a mission as she and several volunteers collected toys, sorted through them, and lovingly filled an entire truck to the brim. The doors literally had to be “bungeed” shut! Children get… [Read More]
Blankets for Brady Buggy Wagons
Kwentin Foster is a 9 year old boy with a big heart. For the past two years Kwentin has been making fleece tie blankets for sick children. Along with his grandmother Kathy they make monthly blanket deliveries to hospitals in the Buffalo, NY area. Money for the kid-friendly fabric is raised through cans and bottles… [Read More]
UNC Children’s Test Drives Their New Brady Buggy®
On May 5th the UNC Children’s received a new Brady Buggy® wagon. It is not only the first wagon for the hospital but also the first for the state of North Carolina. Patients along with their parents and UNC Children’s staff couldn’t wait try out their Brady Buggy wagon by taking a few laps around the… [Read More]
WATCH NOW! The Hugs for Brady Foundation on NBC’s Today Show
Click play to see a video of Hugs for Brady being featured on the TODAY show! Hugs for Brady’s 2015 goal is to place a Brady Buggy Wagon in every cancer wing, in every children’s hospital, in the United States. This is only possible with your help! During Brady’s countless visits to hospitals and specialists, Sherrie and Michael realized… [Read More]