“The first day they brought it in actually she sat in here it the whole time she was getting treatment…It gives her something to look forward to when she is coming here”
Kendra Lewis
Parent of Oncology Child
Aaronsburg, PA
Aaronsburg, PA
More Testimonials
“This (Brady Buggy Wagon) has aided in patient’s recovery”
Amy Surowiec, PT
“Hugs for Brady is a 5-star organization”
Board Member
“Organization provides funding for state of the art pediatric cancer research”
“What impresses me the most is the dedication and hard work”
Oncology Parent
“I can’t imagine our hospital without these wagons because they are just so perfect for this setting”
Allison Turkell MS, CCLS
“So happy that we are now able to offer a fun (safe) option for kiddos to stroll around the wing…while their infusion is running”
Hannah Minter, LCSW
“This organization has tremendous leadership. I have not found a more dedicated, selfless, and energetic group of leaders and volunteers”
Kevin K
“Hugs for Brady provides us with the essential funds needed to give exceptional care to the children and families we serve”
Linda Palkoski, MPH BSN CCRN
“When you see the Hugs for Brady wagon you know it made her feel that much happier for that moment”
Shara Moskowitz
“Everything they are doing to ease these kids and the pain of their families need to be recognized”
Community Member
“It is focused on its mission and truly helps to make a difference in the community”
“Working tirelessly to ensure people are taken care of and to get their message out
Jodi H.
“Organization run by devoted, passionate, hard-working volunteers”
“It’s so nice to know people out there are trying to make this experience easier”
Oncology Parent
“I barely made it off the elevator before kids were ready to use it (Brady Buggy Wagon)”
Volunteer Services
“He doesn’t talk about the testing he talks about the awesome game he received”
Michele DaCosta
“They had the heart and understanding and tenacity to do what was needed to treat and help those families experiencing emotional, financial and devastating physical pain that cancer brings to their loved one and to the family unit”
Linda Levane F.
“Hugs for Brady Foundation, upon close scrutiny, definitely satisfies the criteria I have established in determining whether or not a nonprofit is worthy of my time and donations”
Foundation Donor
“When passion to a cause is the motivational impetus for an organization, the chances of it being successful are increased exponentially. Hugs for Brady definitely fits that description”
Board Member
“They get excited to see me, they’re not stressed out, they’re not thinking about the needles”
Kayla Neff