Help This Year’s Gala Through Our Advertising and Sponsorship Opportunities

The 5th Annual Hugs for Brady Winter Gala takes place February 7th, 2015 at the Palace at Somerset Park in Somerset, NJ. We’d love if you would consider sponsoring the gala so we can help kids battling cancer. There are 3 ways you can participate in the gala and help us raise money for children battling cancer.     01. Though Gala Sponsorship Consider participating in one of our sponsorship levels below and receive complementary reservations. All gala sponsors also receive:
  • Mention in Hugs for Brady newsletter, distributed to 10,000 person database
  • Acknowledgment in post-event media
  • Signage at the event

Angel Sponsor $10,000 VIP acknowledgment in video (deadline 1-2-2015), 10 complimentary guest reservations, Gold advertisement in the program, Prominent pre- and post-event mention in all promotional media, Mentioned on WCTC Radio 1450, Article in Hugs for Brady Newsletter, Your name/logo on website

Gold Sponsor $7,500 10 complimentary guest reservations, Full page advertisement in the program prominently placed, Pre- and post-event mention in all promotional media, Spotlight in Hugs for Brady Newsletter, Your name/logo on website

Cocktail Sponsor $5,000 10 complimentary guest reservations, Full page advertisement in the program, Your name/logo on website

Butterfly Sponsors $3,500 10 complimentary guest reservations, Half page advertisement in the program

Silver Sponsor $2,000 6 complimentary guest reservations, Logo on napkins in cocktail hour

Beverage Sponsor $1,500 4 complimentary guest reservations, Logo on napkins at all beverage stations

Dessert Sponsor $1,000 3 complimentary guest reservations, Logo on mints

Photo Sponsor $750 2 complimentary guest reservations

Coat-Check Sponsor $500 1 complimentary guest reservation

To sponsor please download and print the sponsorship form and fill out the required information. Send the completed form and check to: Hugs for Brady Foundation 4 Quentin Road Kendall Park, NJ 08824 Please note: The sponsorship logos deadline is January 9, 2015. Email artwork/logo/ads (300 dpi PDF files) to     02. Through Advertising in the Gala Program Consider placing a full color ad in the gala program. There are several advertisement options below.

Back Cover $3,000 5.625” x 8.75” (includes bleed area)

Inside Front Cover $2,500 5.625” x 8.75” (includes bleed area)

Inside Back Cover $2,000 5.625” x 8.75” (includes bleed area)

Gold Page $1,500 5.625” x 8.75” (includes bleed area)

Full Page $1,000 5.625” x 8.75” (includes bleed area)

Half Page, Horizontal $600 5” x 4” (no bleed)

Business Card Size $300 (no bleed)

Friend $100 (listed together on one page in the program)

To advertise please download and print the sponsorship form and fill out the required information. Send the completed form and check to: Hugs for Brady Foundation 4 Quentin Road Kendall Park, NJ 08824 Please note: The Gala Program Ad deadline is January 9, 2015. Email artwork/logo/ads (300 dpi PDF files) to     03. Through Donation To Our Silent Auction You can donate services and/or items, valued at $100 or greater, to be used in our silent auction. To donate please download and print the sponsorship form and fill out the required information. Send the completed form to: Hugs for Brady Foundation 4 Quentin Road Kendall Park, NJ 08824 Please note: Completed forms must be received by January 9, 2015.     Questions? Please call (732) 659-5119 or email